Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Dear Hypothetical Reader, 
Life is a journey...At least that's what I'm told. Personally, I don't really see it. Granted, I've never really given it a whole lot of thought. It never really seemed worth my time. 
Still people seem to have a fondness for life, what with the trees, and romance, and morning dew and what not. People love their lives so much, in fact, that many if not most of them have devoted themselves to sitting in a dark room with their computers in an effort to document it. I don't really have anything about my life worth documenting, but because I already spend most of my time in a dark room in front of a computer, blogging just makes good sense. 
What will I blog about? I don't really know, but since I'm assuming there's nobody actually reading this but me,  I don't think it really matters...I'll figure something out. 
And so, non-existent reader, it is now that officially ask you to enter my world. It is a world of intrigue, fantasy, mental illness, and and typos. 
Welcome to Willie's World. Proceed with caution... 

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